Tuesday, March 13, 2012

1 Photo a Day...Why?

I am forever a student. It makes me happy to learn things. And I have a new hobby...photography. I got a new camera - a Canon T2i - and I love it. You can just point and "Click" but there are some really neat things you can do with it as well. So I thought "Why not try to take 1 Photo a Day?" and in the process I will learn...and I'll share what I learn with you. The goal of one photo a day is not literal...its more like try to pick up the camera at least once a day. Once you pick it up, you might be inspired to take more photos. I've learned a ton already, so I'm going to break it up into separate blog posts. While I will be aiming to TAKE at least 1 Photo a Day (and you should too) my goal is to blog once a week. After all it could take a week (or more) to master what we're learning. So come with me and we'll learn together...

- 1 Photo a Day....makes me happy (and a better photographer) Bonnie McCaffery (always a student)


  1. Happy to be part of your photographic journey. I am sure I will learn a multitude of things from you as I only know how to pick up the camera and aim (oh wait, it's in autofocus mode)... okay, pick up the camera and push the button!

  2. What a fabulous idea and how incredibly kind of you to share what you learn along the way. I have a Canon T1i so hopefully I can follow along on your journey without getting too lost. Thanks so much for doing this and giving me the much needed kick in the butt to pick up my camera more often.

  3. That is great Bonnie. I'm already a photo addict but I hope to go on this journey with you and get a good photo a day.

  4. This is great, anythig I can learn about taking better photos is GREAT!!! Thanks for this wonderful idea and the extra work another blog requires.
    Barb Harms

  5. Bonnie,
    I am so excite bout this project, I've alreaDY begun to take tons of pictures, giving more thought for a new perspective in anticapation of this project. Where do we find the website and what do we need to do besides taking a picture a day>
    This is a awesome brainstirm of yours thanks@!!!!
    Woo Hoo!

  6. I am a late comer,I just didn't realize it had began. So I think I'm on the time frame of this weeks assignment.I always use my auto anything on my Cannon XTI, so this will be a good challenge to begin a new thinge.
    One question, where do we post and how do you post pictures that have no ULRs? Did I get that term right? Or no http://settings for the net? I posted the last challenge using recent photos from my FB and blog after I;m doing this backwards, Take photo first then read assognment and search for a photo in which you were attempting to do it unawares,retroactively.
